Invest in Dating
I am a hopeless romantic. I know the value of receiving a handwritten letter as opposed to a text. I know the value of a surprise as...
Why You Need To Unplug
Have you ever turned your phone off for an hour? I'm not talking about your phone dying while you're at the mall with your friends...

What Happened To Our Dreams?!
Imagine you are in downtown New Orleans for a weekend of relaxation. You work hard all week long and need a break, I get that! Now...

Lets Get This Out In The Open
This next topic is near and dear to me. I have always been a protective soul and I have had to come to the realization that I will not be...

The Young Man
She's a veteran. She's a young lady who has put herself back together after being let down time and time again. She's a veteran. She...

Public Service Announcement
Ladies, this article is for you. More so than most men, you may find yourself in a situation that will make you incredibly uncomfortable...

Why Taking a Break From College Was Beneficial For Me
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." This is a quote I heard many years ago but it has always stuck with me. It wasn't until recen

Hey Melvin
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture wouldn't have done you justice this weekend. And I would need more than a...
An Open Letter To Brock Turner
Dear Brock, On January 18, 2015 your life changed forever. No more Stanford. No more perks of being a college athlete. And no more...