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An Open Letter To Brock Turner

Dear Brock,

On January 18, 2015 your life changed forever. No more Stanford. No more perks of being a college athlete. And no more college parties for you to prey on helpless women. No, the last "normal" day of your life would be January 17, 2015, the day before you raped a young woman. You had no idea that "20 minutes of action", as your father describes it, would have such an impact on you.

Well I'm here to further explain to you what happened on that dreadful day. You didn't just make a drunk mistake; your actions affected a young lady more than you, or I, will ever know. You didn't just sexual assault an unconscious woman, you robbed her. You robbed her of her innocence, her freedom, her sense of protection, her sense of being and her happiness to name a few. That "drunk mistake" cost more than you will ever realize and I think you need to realize this. Your attack has sparked a national debate but I want to bring this close to home for the time being.

Do you have a sister Brock? Put her in your victims shoes. Imagine how you and your father would react if this incident was reversed. I am going to go on a limb here and assume that your father would be sick at the thought of another man trying to defend your daughters attacker. I wonder how the "20 minutes of action" would seem then?

I can only imagine how hard it is for you to think this way. Mainly because you and your family are not the victims. That was someone else's daughter you attacked. That was someone else's sister you raped. That was someone else's future wife you put through 20 minutes of torture. Let that sink in for a minute.

You're a coward and you are not a man. You received a slap on the wrist for your offenses. I feel no sympathy for you and your family. You are a rapist and I believe with every fiber of my being that you are a threat to every woman you pass on a daily basis. The fact that you are out of jail already makes me lose faith in our justice system.

I will not threaten to find you and harm you. I am not a vigilante, I will not take the law into my own hands. The only light at the end of the tunnel is this; for every 1 of you that there are in this world, there are 1,000 men like me.

---From a concerned young man fighting for the safety of women all across the country.

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