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Invest in Dating

I am a hopeless romantic.

I know the value of receiving a handwritten letter as opposed to a text. I know the value of a surprise as opposed to an empty promise. I know the value of a memory while that memory is being made. Most importantly I know the value of my relationship.

My relationship is something I work on daily. I ask genuine questions and inquire as to how my significant others day was. I send flowers and occasionally chocolates. I do all of this to show my girlfriend that I am by no means taking her for granted. Every day I try to win my girlfriend over again. Sure, there are days where I fail miserably. But for every time I fail, there are a dozen days where she smiles. She laughs. She lets me know that she's happy. And that is what a relationship is.

A relationship is a scary thing to many people. You take two different people with two different lives and try combining them. Short lived relationships are based off of a physical attraction. Where a long term relationship is based upon an attraction to ones personality, their interests, how they make you feel. Those types of attractions are worth pursuing.

I know in todays day it is becoming harder and harder to find someone worth investing your time in. That is after all what a relationship can be thought of as; an investment.

Invest yourself in a relationship that pushes you beyond your comfort zone.

Invest in a relationship that make you see the world differently.

Invest in a relationship that cultivates a passion you never thought was possible.

Invest in a relationship. If that one fails, invest in another one. Then another one. Do not let one bad experience give you a preconceived notion about dating. If you got your heart broken by your high school sweetheart, do not let that affect you in college. If you got cheated on, do not think everyone will do that. Do not become jaded.

A relationship is a beautiful experience when you find yourself with the right person. And when you find yourself with that person, do not be afraid. Do not hold back your feelings. And do not half ass it. Do not take them for granted. if you won't treat them the way they deserve to be treated someone else will.

Invest your time into someone who you want to be with. Into someone you can see yourself owning a dog with. Find someone who drives you absolutely crazy but reminds you all the time that you're the best addition they've added to their life.

A good relationship is priceless. When you find yours, send them flowers and a handwritten letter once in a while. Remind them why they became attracted to you in the first place, and do it daily.

Another thought by Tyle

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