What Happened To Our Dreams?!

Imagine you are in downtown New Orleans for a weekend of relaxation. You work hard all week long and need a break, I get that! Now imagine you're walking down Frenchmen street and right before you walk into Dat Dog to grab a delicious pre-festivities meal, you hear some beautiful Jazz music radiating from down the street. The Spotted Cat Music Club is in full swing tonight and even though you're not one for the Jazz music, per se, you're feeling adventurous tonight. You end up staying and soaking in the atmosphere and letting the Jazz music drown out all the distractions the outside world has to offer, if only for a few hours. After the show is over, you walk up to the band and express how they have just opened up another person to the elegant world of Jazz music.
Hopefully this interaction with something new, this adventure you have just returned from, enables you to pursue something you love. You see, wether it's work or school, we are going to get to that point of frustration where we want to shut the world out. You've been there, I've been there, that guy is still there; I know your pain. I also have a solution on how to help get past the frustration.
We all have hobbies wether we know it or not. While we may not all be stellar Jazz musicians, we all have little things that we enjoy doing. I am urging you to embrace that hobby! Use it as a creative outlet! We need these outlets to blow off steam or to simply remind us that we are not just a mindless body floating around living a day to day life. Each and every one of us has something to offer that the guy or girl to your left and right may not be able to offer.
Pick up that guitar and learn a few chords. Start writing those poems you think about daily. A canvas and some paint brushes are not going to bite you, take the leap! Start that coin collection that you've spent hours reading about online! You see it doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you get out there and do it. Our dreams are something that we should never cease to pursue. Just because my dream may not make sense to you, doesn't mean I shouldn't strive to achieve that dream. What makes us individuals is how we think, how we act and what we choose to dream for!
We live in a world today where the sky is no longer the limit! The world is not black and white! And it is not black and white because of you. We paint the world with the different hues of our individualism. You and I make the world smile, laugh and continue to be a place of endless adventure. Never stop being you and most importantly, never stop dreaming. Your dreams pave the road not only for the next generation but for those who don't quite have the nerve to pursue their passion on their own. You can help inspire while at the same time being a role model, which is something that we need more of in this world.
Chase your dreams, hunt them down if you have to, you will not regret it. They don't have to be so big that they scare you, but having a dream is a good thing. And striving to get there is an adventure I believe every person needs to embark on.
Another thought by Tyle! Hope y'all enjoy!